Tuesday, April 7, 2009

If words were…

If words were silent…
Would I notice,
Or even care?
Would their hush
Indicate absence and
Chew within until
I try to scream
Only to feel hollow
Breath fill space I
Cannot identify?

If words were silent…
Would I have thoughts,
Ideas, hopes?
Would anger boil
yet never ignite?
Would love die for
Lack of closure?
Would my wanting to tell you
Be reduced to vague motions,
Quickly misunderstood?

If words were silent…
Would there be an
Inner me? A psyche, a spirit,
An essence or a soul?
Something within to perk
Forth daily life?
Would I know that you
would know me?
And would you know that
I know you? Or even care?


  1. I really liked this...

    Would love die for
    Lack of closure?

    And this...

    Would I know that you
    would know me?

    It resonates today, as I've been thinking about the role of words in nurturing relationship.

  2. good thoughts and questions

  3. Interesting....this poem really drew me in, made me think. I particularly liked this:

    Would anger boil
    yet never ignite?
    Would love die for
    Lack of closure?
    Would my wanting to tell you
    Be reduced to vague motions,
    Quickly misunderstood?

    And of course, we misunderstand each other anyway! But if we didn't have words to express our emotions, where would they go? How would they manifest themselves...or would they?
